Tuesday, August 12, 2014

You Are Not Alone

Today it is with a heavy heart that we reflect on just how fragile life can be. Yesterday the world lost a man that brought much laughter into the homes and hearts of many of us. Although we may not have known him personally, there were many that did. Robin Williams was a beloved husband, father, son, among many other titles, but to us he may have been a way to escape. His ability to make us laugh through comedy may have made us forget our own problems, even if only for a moment. I don't pretend to know anything about him or about his situation. I like the rest of America am going strictly on what has been made public through news broadcast and media. With that being said, I find it so very sad that someone who brought laughter to so many quite possibly died by his own hand due to depression. Of course the official cause of death has not been released, I am again going off of media reports. Whether or not it was suicide is not the point I am trying to make today, although it does bring attention to a very serious matter and is what has prompted today's post. 

A very famous quote by Robin Williams says "I used to think the worst thing in life is to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone."  I know for some of us we feel like we are all alone in this great big world. So we may stay in places and situations that we are familiar with because at least we aren't "alone". Sure it may be a terrible relationship or an abusive situation, but we find ourselves believing that there isn't anything better out there. We stay because we are scared of the unknown forgetting that we are completely miserable and depressed in the situation that we are in. Depression is a silent killer, it can not always be seen, and can often times turn into other addictions such as: alcohol, drugs, cutting etc. When someone is depressed they find other ways to "kill the pain" so to speak by trying to do things that make them forget. 

Unfortunately, sometimes that can turn into alcoholism, drug addictions and attempted suicides. When someone gets to the point of feeling like there is no purpose in living any longer, they can't find the positive in any situation so they feel like that is their only escape. Sadly, their choice of escape is a permanent solution to what is most of the time a temporary problem. It really hurts my heart to know that there are people out there that do not know love. They do not know what it feels like to be cared about by others. They felt so alone in this world that they felt no reason to live, and for that I kind of blame society. We live in such a cruel world that children are taking their own lives because of bullying. Seriously, these days kids can be so mean and hateful. Let's face it, as adults we can admit to doing some pretty stupid stuff growing up. Some of it no different then what kids these days are doing. The only difference is today we have social media and so many outlets for tortured kids to be reminded over and over of the humiliation that they felt from a bad decision they made. Then it's not just their classmates that are laughing and making fun of them, it's all over the worldwide web, where just as many cruel adults are weighing in with their comments and opinions. In my opinion people go way too far when they hide behind the protection of their computer screens. They sit in the comfort and safety of their own homes doing and saying things that they would never dare tell someone in person. What ever happened to compassion and love? What happened to adults being adults and teaching their children right from wrong? We have evil misguided children because this world is full of evil misguided adults. Why not try teaching your kids to make friends with someone who is always alone? Or how about just teaching them not to make fun of people period? Just because someone is different than you doesn't make them weird or abnormal and it certainly doesn't make you better than them. 

Today let's be reminded that we are all loved. We are all created equal in God's eyes and we all have a purpose for being born. So if you are suffering today and feel like you are worthless, then let me remind you that you are somebody. You are loved and you are cherished. Just know that this earthly place that we walk among is only temporary. If you just accept your Heavenly Father into your heart and let Him fill the voids of your life where man has left empty then you will see your worth. You see God loves each of us equally no matter how bad we are; and no matter how much we try to deny Him. All we have to do is accept His love. His grace and mercy are never ending and He can wipe clean every mistake you've ever made. He can pull you out of any situation you are in, but you have to be the one to turn to Him. So for my brothers and sisters that are hurting let me share this scripture with you from Psalm 34:17-20 "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all of their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all; he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken." So you see, you are precious in the eyes of the Lord and you have a purpose. If you need prayer for anything then please do not hesitate to reach out to us because that is what we are here for. Let us help bring you up out of the darkness and into the light so that you can know what true love is. 

For my fellow believers, I challenge you to find ways to show love to others. I challenge you to reach out to someone who may be dealing with depression. I challenge you to not be so quick to judge each other when you hear rumors. We all know that everything we hear is not the entire truth, so why jump on the first band wagon that comes along with the latest gossip. Maybe instead of being so quick to believe the trumpet blower, you reach out to the silent party and offer prayer. More times than not the one blowing the trumpet is the one with things to hide. Although, placing blame and pointing fingers at everyone but themselves will keep the attention off of them. Playing the victim will keep everyone on their side, but be very careful when you fall into this trap because just because they shout the loudest doesn't mean they are being entirely truthful. While everyone is so busy tending to the trumpet blower the silent party is losing more and faith in human kind. They keep to themselves only to hear more and more of their business through the grapevine and only partially true. They lose friends and family members because they choose to not take part in the "he said, she said" game. They finally just accept all the blame because it just isn't worth trying to convince an army of people who clearly have all the one sided information. When in the grand scheme of things they don't have a clue!!! It is situations like this that we find out how strong we are. Sadly not everyone is as strong and they are only made to feel worse because they feel like they have been completely abandoned. They might make a final attempt to reach out and ask for help, but when they do ... they are made to feel worthless all over again because no one has ever gotten their side so they finally decide that it is no longer worth it. So they do the unthinkable and make a drastic decision to end their own life, because no one cares about them any way, right? 

Don't let this be your story, don't be the one that passes judgment on someone because of something you may have heard about them. Learn the truth, get the facts and then pray for all parties involved. Don't add to the chaos by continuing to spread rumors or by turning your back on someone that could literally be crying out for help. Take the time to find out the truth, and show God's love, grace and mercy in every situation that you may find yourself in. Someone reaching out to you may be their last attempt at saving their life, so don't be so judgmental. I am sadly reminded that people who have so much influence, fame and fortune are often times some of the loneliest, saddest people on earth. Always questioning if the people in their life genuinely cares for them and if they would still be there if all the fame and fortune were gone. Too many stars in Hollywood on the path to destruction, because money and fame can not and will not make you happy in the end. 

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34 

Note: Movie Recommendation ~ To Save A Life 
Fantastic movie that deals with a student's and Youth Pastor's first hand guilt at ignoring someone's cry for help.

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